I met Daniel during the summer, in Tannersville, Pennsylvania. He was always cheerful and one would find it hard to believe that he could also experience pain. He smiled a lot and such countenance always lightened up whoever or whatever was close to him. His hands and arms were muscular and bit pumped, so whenever he was shaking hands with friends or hugging any of them it was always somewhat intimidating. But he would never ever know because he was always cheerful and grinning from ear to ear all day.

He was from Colombia, and whenever we talked; I noticed that he found more comfort and happiness in his family; which is literally the best thing to happen to an individual. He loved to play soccer just like me and the day we finally got to play soccer, he accused me of using dopamine. “Bro don’t you ever get tired??”

I laughed and laughed as I watched him panting heavily after he made several unsuccessful dribbles against me. After the game, he kept staring at me in disbelief and just before I entered my room that night he told me once again. “Bro I really think you should go for a dopamine test”.

We worked at a resort, but at different sections; as such, we rarely came across each other; we could only talk well and long enough; back at the lodge where we stayed. Anyways, whenever I happened to see him from a distance, he would be talking or laughing with some other friends; while carrying out his duties. His life was a reflection of happiness and only when we got to talk that he explained some occasions which life showed him how harsh it was. I would sit still, watching him struggle to express himself and then his countenance would seem to change or that it actually changed.

Every now and then, his face would turn red; as he kept trying to explain any of his heartbreaking experience and how his family was always there for him. Up till now; I never figured out how we managed to finish whatever conversation with laughter. 

When Daniel told me that he would love to visit my country, I only kept staring at him and somehow began picturing what the experience would be like, if it ever happened. I could foresee such ambition leading to nothing but total regrets. I paused for a moment and suddenly started laughing; this heightened the level of his curiosity. “Bro your country seems to be a nice and interesting place” he added, with a heightened level of ambition and interest.

Still in my silence, I only stared at him as I struggled to suppress my laughter; but I couldn’t, and I laughed again. He didn’t know what would come his way, if he ever stepped foot in a country where the citizens were ready to leave with any slightest opportunity. I told Daniel that my country was a true definition of “the world is a harsh place to live in” he remained quiet and watched me; as he tried to comprehend. 

“I won’t even advise my enemies to come visiting”


“Yes man, nobody is happy with the progress of the other person, we are the problem of our country, if you would remain happy and fulfilled, then you can visit other countries other than mine, because I’m very sure that you’re 100% prone to leave without any of the belongings you’re visiting with; if care isn’t taken.

He tried to show me how tough he could also be; if he were to visit my country alone; someday. 

“You can’t be in the country alone, you’ll need security and a high level of protection or else your life will never remain the same; bro” I said calmly; and after re-channeling his ambitions to something better, we switched to something else.

One evening he came to ask me if I was interested to watch a soccer match.

“It is Colombia playing against Argentina for the Copa America; finals”

With the way he spoke, I could see the eagerness in his eyes, soul and spirit; as usual, he was grinning from ear to ear. Infact, his whole expression showed that he was not ready to miss any bit of the live match.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the Game room tonight” he said. Well, the Daniel I knew wouldn’t be waiting all alone for me in the game room (where the live match was being shown on TV). 

And when I arrived the game room, it was crowded with Daniel and his numerous friends; one would have thought that, he was in one way or the other; related by blood to everyone in the room, because there was no one; who didn’t know him.

I spotted him from where I stood; he sat with a girl whom we knew as Sasha and another guy named Ivan as they tried analyzing the outcome of the match. He was just so confident that Colombia would win. And of course; since I was invited by Daniel to watch the match, I was Colombian that night.

Unfortunately Colombia lost the finals to Argentina by a goal. 

Someone needed to look closely at Daniel after the match; he wore a sore and weary expression which I expected; only that his face was red and that it would take the next two days for him to recover from the loss. But after two days; he was laughing loudly with everyone again.

As the summer started winding down, we began taking several pictures for the fun and the memory. And as usual you would see Daniel’s picture in everyone’s phone. I wondered whether he ever got tired of socializing. Once I came across a picture of him sleeping on duty. My friend; Mike had shown it to me and we both laughed and laughed. The picture which was a timely one had been taken the exact moment when he was snoring with his mouth wide open and when mike sent him the picture, we knew that he would burst out laughing and playfully seek revenge; I can’t remember if he did.

I don’t think I ever got to take a real and good picture with Daniel due to our busy schedule. But we somehow became close; maybe because we talked about soccer, or my country or some other things. He gave me a gift; it was something which no one had ever given me; it was a jotter to de-stress. He had in one way or the other suspected that I was mentally down for a while, which was also a timely one. I received the gift with an encouraging write up, on the first page. Apt and very human of him.

I treasured the gift and decided not to write on it. I would keep it safe forever and ever.

On that fateful morning when he was to leave for Colombia; I hurried to his room because I had few minutes until I left for work.

As usual there would always be a group of friends with him. This time, I think there were two or three ladies. I knew deep down inside me that if not for the busy nature of our job, everyone would have come to say goodbye to Daniel. And when I meant everyone I meant EVERYONE, THE-WHOLE WORLD; FRIENDS AND WELL WISHERS the rabbits and little creatures that resided outside the hotel where we stayed; because I was guessing those animals would know him a bit too, since he was popular.

“Stay safe man; I wish you a safe trip; we’ll keep in touch” I said as we shook hands. I could see his red face once again, and if I stayed longer than that, the pint of sadness within me would have turned to something else.

I was glad to hear that he arrived Colombia safely.

“Keep being the best version of yourself” I texted.


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