

  Photo by pawel Janiak on unsplash I yawned to the bright morning and stretched myself. I heaved a sigh of relief after I noticed how cold the weather had turned out to be. For the past few days the hot weather had been unbearable. I turned to run my hands through his beards. I usually did that every morning, because tom’s beards were so warm and nice to touch. When I couldn’t feel anything, I opened my eyes to discover that he wasn’t there. “Tom?” I called out, but there was no reply. My eyes moved to the door of the restroom which was half open; he wasn’t there.  I looked at the wall clock which hung on the wall, facing the bed where I lay. It was 7:25am. It was unlike Tom to be out of bed by such time. He usually worked late into the night and then slept late into the morning. I went downstairs to check for my lover. With various thoughts like (‘maybe he’s hungry and has gone to eat in the kitchen’….’what if he couldn’t fall asleep just as he complained the other day and is probabl


Photo by Vruyr Martirosyan on unsplash. (Few days to Valentine) When we finally packed into the only available house in the neighborhood, all eyes were on us.  The former house were we lived in, was nothing to write home about, in terms of basic amenities, security and other factors. Some times we wouldn’t have power supply for up to two weeks and counting. Philip my husband would keep sighing and hissing in discomfort every day that passed. “Haven’t you found a house yet?!” He said one morning over the phone. Philip was speaking with his house agent, while I and Michael my only child, stood behind the door eavesdropping on everything which they were discussing concerning the house. We smiled to each other; we were really excited to move to a new house. One evening, Philip came back, with a smile on his face.  “The agent texted me few minutes ago; he has found one” “Really?” I asked; excitement building up. “Thank goodness”  “It’s a two bedroom flat; it’s th