Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash Whenever a guy broke my heart, I felt like dying. I would always cry and ask myself why I was constantly being unlucky. For days, I wouldn’t eat, I would sit in my room all to myself sobbing and sleeping. I would repeat the whole cycle again from morning till night and for as many as four to five days. “Ifemelu, you need to put your self together, enough of this!!!” Aunty Ifeoma would say to me in a raised voice, like I’d committed a crime, or as if I wanted to commit suicide. “Aunty Ify you won’t understand” I would say to her and break out into more tears, only to regret letting those words out of my mouth; few seconds later. One several occasions she would fire back angrily. “What do you know about love? Ehn??! Answer me. Do you know how old I am?” She would query. That fateful morning, I rested my head on my knees and would not look at her. “You’re too young to...